Rethinking Imposter Syndrome – Why Capable People Feel Like Impostors and What to Do About It
Millions of people — CEOs and entry-level professionals, university students & faculty, PhDs, artists as well as lawyers, physicians & engineers — secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented as other people “think” they are. It’s called impostor syndrome and it leads to costly impacts & consequences for both individuals and their organization. Fortunately, there is a solution. You don’t have to identify with impostor syndrome to benefit from this session, however, if you lead, manage, mentor, train, or parent others, you need to understand it.
In This Up Beat Session, You Will –
- Understand what impostor syndrome is – and is not
- Discover the situational, societal, occupational, and familial reasons why fully capable people feel like frauds
- Understand how impostor syndrome intersects with diversity and inclusion – and why it matters
- Identify your personal “Competence Type”
- Recognize the individual and organizational costs of impostor syndrome
- Leave with practical, immediately usable strategies to help yourself and/or those you manage, mentor, or parent to address impostor syndrome and learn to become instead, a Humble Realist™